Tuesday 5 November 2013

Official Office Elder

You're officially an office elder now---how is it going? How many people are in your branch and how many come on Sunday? Who is you new companion and how is that going? How are things going with the new investigators (the renters of the sisters' apartments)---did you have to hand them off?
Things are going busy. We have lots of stuff to do all the time. We actually go to a group, not a branch. And depending on the week, between 5 and about 15 people. For church we had fast and testimony meeting, then for the second hour we watched the last 3 talks from the priesthood session. Since it's a group we only do 2-2.5 hours of church. It was cool, because we had two native Romanian missionaries there with us. They are both in our district. They are both on "mini missions." I'll explain further down. They both bore their testimonies and it is awesome to see people with that kind of strength, because it's super hard to be a member of the Church here, let alone go on a mission.

My new companion is actually one of the first 18 year olds who came into our mission. His 19th birthday is next month and my 21st birthday is in January, so I'm about two whole years older than him. It's kinda weird. He's from Southern Michigan. We get along great. We've had an interesting situation the last couple weeks. So I was with Elder O and Elder C. (my new comp) was with Elder G. Elder G. left last week, which left us as a tri companionship. But yesterday, Elder O. got a new comp, a member from Iasi is going on what we call a "mini mission." That's super mission lingo, but it means he is a temporary companion for the rest of the transfer. Usually mini missionaries only stay for a transfer, and they come when we have an odd number in the mission. In this case, he came because we have an odd number, and this member wants to serve a mission, so he's gonna see how it goes for a few weeks. We also have 4 people in our apartment still, which is kind of annoying. The other two will move out in about a week though, they have another apartment which is being remodeled right now.

As for our investigators, we passed them off. They live pretty far out of our area, so we gave them to some other elders to teach. That's how it goes sometimes, but we're all on the same team.

Other than that, we've just been busy doing all the things required to run the mission. If someone has a problem in the mission, they call us. We have a ton of stuff to do. This week, monthly vehicle reports are due to Germany, stack of health insurance claims to file, cars to fix, cars to sell, cars to wash, car insurance to be renewed, finances to do, my to-do list is getting longer and longer, and stuff doesn't get checked off very fast..... haha. I like it though. we have an appointment at the Porsche dealership this week. That's where some of our mission vehicles get fixed. And we're in the process of replacing cars, so we have several to sell. We are also in charge of the Christmas DVD for the mission, we'll start that this week too. Crazy crazy.

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