We got to Skype with Austin on Mother's Day. This was one day after he had been transferred to his new area in Timisoara. He looked great and is doing well. It is comforting to a mama to actually see the missionary as well as talk to them----I love technology! Anyway, here is his report of the first week in the new area---sounds like he's busy. We have been busy at home with a big remodel. I keep sending him photos of the progress.
Sounds and looks like things are moving forward pretty well with the remodel. Looks great. Hickory is just a great wood. Be glad you didn't have to build those cabinets. Sanding that stuff is a nightmare.
First week here in Timisoara was good. We taught a couple lessons and actually have a baptismal date for a kid. He's scheduled for the 1st of June, but it's pretty tentative. we'll see though. Other than that we've been busy cleaning out the other apartment in the city. We actually turned in the keys to move out this morning. So, going along with that we have also been put in charge of looking for another apartment, so we can have another set of elders up here next transfer. We were at the real estate office this morning, and we are going to take a look at some apartments tonight.
Sunday, I was scheduled to talk in sacrament meeting, but one of the sister misisonaries took too much time, so i got off the hook till next week. And at church we were supposed to have one of our investigators, but he didn't show up. The senior couple here with us was on vacation here this past week, and we had to do a bunch of errands for him too. So we were visiting with members and buying train tickets and such. They had their daughter, sister, and one of their friends with them and they went on a vacation over to brasov and saw a bunch of castles.
Anyways, we did some contacting in the park on sunday. One of the sisters is an art major. so she had this cool idea. She found this cool optical illusion that looks like Jesus' face, and painted it on a 4x8 piece of plywood. Then we went over to the park and set it up and people were just googly eyed and super curious. We talked to a bunch of kids. I attached a picture of me in action ( I didn't know it was taken). So that was cool.
This week we should be busy with some lessons, and also finalizing things for the new apartment when we find it. Other than that, not really anything new.
Walking only part of downtown Timisoara |
Lightning storm last week |