There are several of his school/soccer buddies in the MTC right now too (Bryan Nance, Marc Berbert, Elvon Farrell, Bryant Dixon, and Austin Watts to name a few). He says they eat lunch together when they can find each other.
Elder Phelps and his companion, Elder Christian Covey
Romanian Missionary Tag and CTR Ring
Austin and his district on their first walk to the Provo Temple
Elder Phelps and friend Elder Bryant Dixon
Elder Phelps and friend Elder Marc Berbert
Elder Phelps and friend Elder Austin Watts
Elder Phelps and buddy Bryan Nance
Elders Berbert, Nance and Phelps---going to different parts of the world!
He has been out a little over two weeks and is already tired of the food---imagine that! I'm sure when he gets to Romania, there will be days he will long for the MTC food! He would love letters and promises to write back!